jueves, febrero 13, 2025

Cuban Regime Fulfills Its Dream and Officially Joins BRICS

MIAMI, United States – The BRICS economic and political platform, founded by Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, officially incorporated Cuba as an associate member this Wednesday, alongside 12 other nations that also received approval during its most recent summit held in Kazan, Russia, in October 2024.

This bloc, which now opens its doors to Bolivia, Algeria, Belarus, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Nigeria, Thailand, Turkey, Uganda, Uzbekistan, and Vietnam, is projected to account for over 35% of the world’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2025, 45% of the global population, and 30% of the Earth’s landmass, according to data released by the official Cuban outlet Cubadebate.

Although associate status does not grant Cuba full rights within the bloc, it provides opportunities to seek alternatives for alleviating the severe economic crisis the country is facing.

Regarding the potential advantages Cuba could offer, Cubadebate highlights “its biotechnological development, pharmaceutical production, and capacity to promote scientific and technological collaboration” within the bloc. Additionally, the possibility of conducting trade transactions in local currencies is noted, which could “reduce dependence on the dollar and open up new trade flows.”

However, Cuban analyst Orlando Freire Santana wrote last October in CubaNet that the island lacks “any notable export commodities” and that joining BRICS as an associate “would only evoke pity from the rest of its counterparts due to the ‘intensified blockade’ by the United States.”

During the BRICS Summit in Kazan, Russian President Vladimir Putin stated that more than 30 countries had expressed interest in joining the group under various formats.

The Cuban regime officially requested to join BRICS in early October 2024, as reported at the time by Carlos Pereira, Director of Bilateral Relations at the Cuban Foreign Ministry. The request was made through a letter addressed to Putin, who held the rotating presidency of the group in 2024.

The BRICS group, which added South Africa to its founding members (Brazil, Russia, India, and China) in 2010, expanded in 2024 under the name BRICS+ with the inclusion of Egypt, Ethiopia, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and Iran.

Cuba’s integration as an associate member was announced during the 16th BRICS Summit, held in Kazan, Russia, in the second half of October 2024.

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